VVP Advice Award nomination

De Kredieter is one of three offices nominated for the VVP Advice Award 2024 in the category of the most customer-oriented mortgage advice office in the Netherlands. This nomination recognizes our long-standing commitment to excellence in both mortgage advice and customer service, and would not have been possible without our fantastic team, our loyal banking relationships and broker friends, and of course our valued clients. The final of the Advice Award election is on October 1. Click here for more information.
De Kredieter | Within 24 hours an appointment without obligations, Within 24 hours
an appointment without obligations,
De Kredieter | Specialist in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats Specialist
in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats
De Kredieter | 100% independent financial advice. 100% independent
financial advice.

Expat housing and mortgage seminar

From March onwards, de Kredieter will hold voluntary and free seminars lasting 30-45 minutes on every first Thursday of the month at 12:30 pm.

Learn more about the purchase and mortgage process

Are you looking to purchase your own home in The Netherlands? We look forward to welcoming you at our seminar especially for expats: every first Thursday of the month at 12:30 pm. The seminars are specifically aimed at expats. You are welcome to visit the office of de Kredieter without having to make an appointment. Potential buyers will be fully informed as to the purchase and mortgage process at these seminars.

This year the seminars will be held on:
  • the 7th of March
  • the 4th of April
  • the 2nd of May
  • the 6th of June
  • the 4th of July
  • the 1st of August
  • the 5th of September
  • the 3rd of October
  • the 7th of November
  • the 5th of December
If you would like to make an individual appointment to discuss your situation or get a second opinion, you are welcome to make an appointment with de Kredieter, free of obligation.

Make an appointment without obligation
Contact us.
Call us
+31(0)20 - 575 33 20
Mail us
Visit us
Strawinskylaan 17
1077 XW Amsterdam

De Kredieter B.V. Within 24 hours an appointment without obligations, Within 24 hours
an appointment without obligations,
De Kredieter B.V. Specialist in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats Specialist
in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats
De Kredieter B.V. 100% independent financial advice. 100% independent
financial advice.
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