VVP Advice Award nomination

De Kredieter is one of three offices nominated for the VVP Advice Award 2024 in the category of the most customer-oriented mortgage advice office in the Netherlands. This nomination recognizes our long-standing commitment to excellence in both mortgage advice and customer service, and would not have been possible without our fantastic team, our loyal banking relationships and broker friends, and of course our valued clients. The final of the Advice Award election is on October 1. Click here for more information.
De Kredieter | Within 24 hours an appointment without obligations, Within 24 hours
an appointment without obligations,
De Kredieter | Specialist in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats Specialist
in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats
De Kredieter | 100% independent financial advice. 100% independent
financial advice.

Mortgage advice for independent business operators

Are you a sole trader, do you work freelance or are you self-employed without personnel? Even in those cases you can get a mortgage. A mortgage is not reserved solely for people in permanent employment. Lenders do, however, have their own approach to dealing with mortgage applications from independent business owners. This can be very confusing. It is thus worthwhile to have an intermediary like de Kredieter that has experience in this field look at your situation.

Make an appointment without obligation

Sole trader, freelancer or self-employed person without personnel

Are you worried that you cannot get a mortgage because you have your own business? De Kredieter specialises in mortgages for self-employed persons, so we can help you. And we know that every situation is different! We will look at the possibilities available to you on the basis of the result of your business.

In principle, all mortgage providers look at the net profit from your business over the past three years. They take the average as your qualifying income. If you earned less than the average in the last year, the lower figure will be taken as your qualifying income. In addition, since the beginning of 2018 only up to 100% of the value of the property can be lent. This applies to everyone, including self-employed persons. A self-employed person can in some cases borrow less than 100% because lenders consider the risk that you will be without income too great. Know where you stand We will be pleased to give you a realistic idea of the possibilities available to you.

Self-employed for less than three years

If you have been self-employed for less than three years, each lender will deal with your application differently. In some cases you will unfortunately not be eligible for a mortgage. Other lenders will base the amount you can borrow on your personal situation. You will have to provide additional information to show the financial future of your business in as much detail as possible. For instance, a projection of future income.

We provide information, advice and guidance in the mortgage process for independent business operators.

Own business and a mortgage?
Contact us.
Call us
+31(0)20 - 575 33 20
Mail us
Visit us
Strawinskylaan 17
1077 XW Amsterdam

De Kredieter B.V. Within 24 hours an appointment without obligations, Within 24 hours
an appointment without obligations,
De Kredieter B.V. Specialist in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats Specialist
in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats
De Kredieter B.V. 100% independent financial advice. 100% independent
financial advice.
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