VVP Advice Award nomination

De Kredieter is one of three offices nominated for the VVP Advice Award 2024 in the category of the most customer-oriented mortgage advice office in the Netherlands. This nomination recognizes our long-standing commitment to excellence in both mortgage advice and customer service, and would not have been possible without our fantastic team, our loyal banking relationships and broker friends, and of course our valued clients. The final of the Advice Award election is on October 1. Click here for more information.
De Kredieter | Within 24 hours an appointment without obligations, Within 24 hours
an appointment without obligations,
De Kredieter | Specialist in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats Specialist
in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats
De Kredieter | 100% independent financial advice. 100% independent
financial advice.

First-time buyer, self-employed or trading up?
De Kredieter can advise you.

Arranging a mortgage is a complicated process for many people. How do you choose between all the various lenders, mortgage types and terms to maturity? De Kredieter helps you make the right choice that best suits your situation. We arrange your mortgage application from start to finish, so you can simply enjoy your new home without worries.

Make an appointment without obligation

Buying your first home

If you are a first-time buyer, you need to be well informed regarding the differences between lenders and mortgage types. De Kredieter lists the best interest rates and mortgage conditions for you.

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People trading up

If you are trading up, you have more possibilities than a first-time buyer. You may be able to apply the transitional law or there may be other types that apply to you. Good advice is essential.

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Refinancing your mortgage could give you a significant financial gain. But what are the possibilities and what are the consequences? De Kredieter will review your situation and offer appropriate advice.

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De Kredieter

The team at de Kredieter consists of six experienced mortgage advisers that each specialise in one or more aspects of the profession. They are uniquely qualified to know which solution will best fit your wishes and needs. And, their advice is 100% independent, because we work with virtually all insurers and banks in the Netherlands.

Good to know: all our advisers are affiliated to the Recognised Mortgage Advisers Foundation (Stichting Erkend Hypotheekadviseurs, or SEH). And you can always rely on our internal service for a smooth processing of your mortgage application.

More about our team

Mortgage advice in 5 steps.

De Kredieter | Vrijblijvend intakegesprek
De Kredieter | Vaststellen tarief
De Kredieter | Documenten aanleveren
De Kredieter | Offertes opvragen
De Kredieter | Passeren hypotheekakte
View the steps plan
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