VVP Advice Award nomination

De Kredieter is one of three offices nominated for the VVP Advice Award 2024 in the category of the most customer-oriented mortgage advice office in the Netherlands. This nomination recognizes our long-standing commitment to excellence in both mortgage advice and customer service, and would not have been possible without our fantastic team, our loyal banking relationships and broker friends, and of course our valued clients. The final of the Advice Award election is on October 1. Click here for more information.
De Kredieter | Within 24 hours an appointment without obligations, Within 24 hours
an appointment without obligations,
De Kredieter | Specialist in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats Specialist
in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats
De Kredieter | 100% independent financial advice. 100% independent
financial advice.

Construction projects in and around Amsterdam

Looking for a suitable new-build project? De Kredieter has listed a number of attractive new-build projects in and around Amsterdam for you. View the projects below.

New-build homes

Amstelveen apartments Olympiade 2023

Directly opposite the wide sports fields of Amstelveen, a unique, green residential area is being created: Olympiade. This new area along the Startbaan will consist of seven modern and sustainable residential buildings. In between is a lovely green park the size of over two football fields. At Olympiade, you can combine your active lifestyle with a healthy living environment with lots of comfort, daylight, greenery and plenty of room for sports and relaxation.

De werf bij de sluis in Muiden

A unique place in the middle of historic Muiden. Where the Defense Line of Amsterdam merges into the hinterland and the river Vecht flows into the vast IJmeer. Now that the former baptismal site of countless fishing boats, prams and tjalks has been moved northwards, the opportunity arises to transform this centrally located place into a new residential area. De Werf bij de Sluis in Muiden: A place with a rich history and a promising future.

More about this project

The Doors in Amsterdam-Noord

Wonen en werken aan het water. Dat kan in The Doors! Een eigenzinnig gebouw in Amsterdam Noord dat de industriële sfeer van Buiksloterham combineert met een liefdevolle woonomgeving. To be loft. Geniet van het licht en de ruimte. Hier heb je een schitterend uitzicht over het water van het Tolhuiskanaal en zijdelings over het IJ. De woningen aan de Leen Jongewaardkade hebben twee voordeuren; wonen en werken lopen hier in elkaar over of kunnen desgewenst juist fysiek van elkaar gescheiden worden.

More about this project

The Hub - Centrum Nieuw-West

Comfortabele appartementen op een unieke plek. Midden in het levendige centrum van Amsterdam Nieuw West aan het Osdorpplein met de Sloterplas en het park pal voor de deur. Een plek waar je midden in het bruisend stadsleven woont, maar waar je ook kunt genieten van rust en ruimte. Door de centrale ligging en het uitstekende openbaar vervoer ben je snel overal waar je maar wilt zijn.

More about this project

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+31(0)20 - 575 33 20
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Strawinskylaan 17
1077 XW Amsterdam

De Kredieter B.V. Within 24 hours an appointment without obligations, Within 24 hours
an appointment without obligations,
De Kredieter B.V. Specialist in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats Specialist
in mortgages for self-employed persons and expats
De Kredieter B.V. 100% independent financial advice. 100% independent
financial advice.
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